If you are like many families, then you have a few pets running around in your home. Hamsters are adorable additions to any household. They offer companionship, joy, and the chance to teach young ones some responsibility. At Long Island Birds & Exotics Veterinary Clinic, we want you to have all the information you need to keep your pet safe and secure for a long, healthy life.

Natural history of the pet hamster
Common hamsters - Dwarf and Syrian (Mesocricetus auretus) coming from the Middle East and arid zones
Nocturnal like all rodents
Hands designed for eating
Herbivores that eat mostly plants
Large pockets in the mouth allow for transporting lots of food
Excellent pets for children - perfect size for handling and slow enough for little ones
Can startle when waking causing the pet hamster to bite
No sweat glands - difficult to regulate body temperature
Bedding requirements
Recycled newspaper or other paper products
Do not use - corn cob bedding, cedar, pine shavings, gravel, other hard bedding
Dietary needs
Sipper water bottle or shallow bowl should be use
Remember to check for leaks, hair, holes, or mineral deposits as you replace the water each day
Wash bottles and bowls with dish soap daily
Use a bottle brush to clean
Pelleted-diet or laboratory block (refrain from offering seeds and dried fruits)
Provide plenty of washed, fresh vegetables like carrots, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, spinach, and other greens
Hamsters have sensitive digestive tracts - pet owner should control diet and maintain strict balance to minimize health risks and digestive issues
Setting up a pet hamster cage
A hiding place or nesting area should be available
Hamsters environment should be between 75° to 85° Fahrenheit and 40 to 60 percent humidity
Provide cool zones in summer months
Exercise wheel for running
Pet hamster health concerns to look out for
Wet tail - diarrhea may cause death in 24-hours or less after appearance of symptoms, seek immediate care
Get a new pet health check
For more information, call LIBEVC at 516-482-1101. We can answer any questions about pet hamster health concerns. We are happy to offer 24-hour emergency care too.