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Keeping Your Pet Reptile in the Right Way


Do you love bearded dragons, geckos, or snakes? Is a reptile the only pet you want? Understanding your pet reptile needs is a huge responsibility. You are the person that will care for your pet and ensure that they have the resources to thrive and grow while living as long a life as possible.

pet snake | reptile vet long island | LIBEVC

Dos for keeping pet reptile

  • Understand heat, humidity, and nutrition requirements

  • Research proper housing needs

  • See an exotic vet regularly

  • Seek expert help with any signs of distress or unusual behavior

Pet reptile don’ts

  • Use house lights for warmth

  • Buy from a pet breeder that seems shady

  • Feed only one type of food

  • Go into owning a pet reptile blindly

  • Use sand or wood shavings in the enclosure

  • Ask online readers to answer your exotic pet questions

  • Avoid UV light use

How Long Island Birds & Exotics Veterinary Clinic can help you with your pet reptile

Keeping pet reptile habitats clean and free from sharp objects is just as important as using the right light sources. Your pet has very specific needs. Before you decide which reptile you want, it is an excellent idea to research the animal. Learn about where they come from, how they act, how they do with other reptiles, how to breed them or not, and how to house the animal. For your pet to have a high-quality of life, you need to give it a variety of foods, handle the creature often, and make sure it gets the right medical care.

When your pet reptile is not acting right, the best thing to do is to ask questions fast. Time is extremely important when it comes to illnesses in exotic animals. LIBEVC is proud to help you care for your animal. You can call us anytime at 516-482-1101.

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